It Took Millions of Years to Perfect the Upright Human Form but Only a Few Months Behind a Desk to Ruin it – A Discussion on the Importance of Posture

The idea of having good posture is no longer just for aesthetics. Rather, good posture is a constant pursuit of bio-mechanic perfection. Many degenerative and dysfunctional changes that our physical body goes through can be related back to non-optimal posture or poor musculoskeletal positioning over time. As Wolff’s law states, our bones will change shape to become stronger based on … Read More

What is a “Cortisone Injection”?

What is a “cortisone injection”? A cortisone injection, or corticosteroid injection, is a catch all term for an injection of a body part, using a derivative of a steroid/glucocorticoid and often a local anesthetic. Injecting a glucocorticoid and local anesthetic into an area of pain can be very effective in relieving the pain. In some instances it can also prevent … Read More

Holiday Season Wrist Pain

Wrist pain comes in many forms: from acute injuries like tendonitis or a broken wrist (carpal) bone, to chronic injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. However, the most common type of wrist pain over the holiday season typically comes from repetitive use and placing unnecessary stress on your wrists. Here are a couple examples of what wrist pain suffers … Read More

The Greatest Modifiable Risk Factor for Osteoarthritis

Have you ever looked at a body mass index (BMI) chart, often found in physician offices, and thought, “That seems unrealistic or even inaccurate?”  At quick glance the charts often seem pretty rigid and show ideal weights in ranges that seem difficult to attain if one is overweight. In this article, the BMI chart will be broken down and explained … Read More

6 Halloween Safety Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe

According to recent studies, child pedestrian accidents are the #1 cause of Halloween-related injuries. For this reason, we believe you should know some basic Halloween safety tips to keep your kids safe, healthy, and happy this Halloween season (and for many more to come). Halloween Safety Tip #1 – Make-Up Over Masks: Masks are fun, but they have a tendency … Read More

5 Ways To Help Prevent A Season-Ending ACL Injury

The most common and feared injury in sports like football, soccer, and basketball – where you're twisting and turning, accelerating and decelerating, jumping, pivoting, and changing direction – is the ACL injury. In short, the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) plays a critical role in stabilizing your knee joint. While any injury on the field or court is an unexpected accident, … Read More

Common Causes of Knee Pain

The knee joint is a very complex joint. It is a common cause of pain for all people of all ages. There are many causes of knee pain ranging from acute/traumatic injuries to chronic wear and tear of the joint.  This article will briefly discuss some of the more common causes of knee pain that may require orthopedic evaluation. Ligamentous … Read More

3 Simple Solutions to Help Combat Chronic Pain

Chronic pain – the type of pain that can stay with us for months, years, and even decades – effects most Americans at some point in their lives. And chronic pain does not discriminate. Athletes, desk jockeys, and even stay-at-home parents can all experience this type of pain. For example, basketball players who are constantly lifting their arms overhead may … Read More

Don’t Shrug Off Shoulder Pain! – Alive & Well Presentation 10/12/16

Rotator cuff injuries don’t just happen to athletes. They’re a common – and potentially life-changing – problem for adults of all ages. A rotator cuff injury may start as a dull ache in your shoulder, but it can quickly progress into a painful, hard-to-heal problem affecting your sleep and limiting your daily activity. Join Spiro N. Papas, MD, UPMC Orthopaedic … Read More