The Detriments Smoking Causes for Wound Healing & Recovery Time After Surgery

According to the Journal of Wound Care, “there is clear clinical evidence that smokers are more likely to develop postoperative wound-related complications.” These complications include: Delayed healing time Increased chance of wound infection Increased chance of wound dehiscence (rupture along the incision line) Increased chance of tissue necrosis (irreversible death of the tissue) You may be curious as to why … Read More

Common Hockey Injuries & What To Do If You Get Hurt

Hockey is considered a “collision” sport, and for good reason. Injuries occur from not only slamming into other players at high speeds, they can also occur from getting smacked with other players’ sticks, being thrown and smashed into the boards, and having a solid, hefty object (the puck) being catapulted into your body. If that weren’t enough, non-contact injuries can … Read More