3 Precautions for Playing Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go is a new smart phone game that has taken the world by storm with tens of millions of users from around the globe playing on a daily basis. In short, it's an augmented reality game that allows you to look at your screen and see Pokémon hanging around in real life locations – from your backyard to Kennywood … Read More

4 Reasons Aging Athletes Are More Prone to Injury

No one enjoys the aging process – especially athletes! After all, athletes, no matter what age they are, enjoy getting out on the field, court, rink, etc. and playing the game they love so much. What's even worse for athletes, however, is the fact that our bodies begin to break down as we age, and this “break down” increases the … Read More

The Benefits of Minimally Invasive Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery

The first arthroscopy (a minimally invasive surgery technique we use to see inside a joint) was performed in the early 1900's. Since then, technological advances have allowed the medical community to create new and better minimally invasive techniques to help patients heal faster with less pain. Common arthroscopic surgeries are performed on the shoulder joint and knee joint, but those … Read More