5 Ways To Help Prevent A Season-Ending ACL Injury

The most common and feared injury in sports like football, soccer, and basketball – where you're twisting and turning, accelerating and decelerating, jumping, pivoting, and changing direction – is the ACL injury. In short, the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) plays a critical role in stabilizing your knee joint. While any injury on the field or court is an unexpected accident, … Read More

Common Causes of Knee Pain

The knee joint is a very complex joint. It is a common cause of pain for all people of all ages. There are many causes of knee pain ranging from acute/traumatic injuries to chronic wear and tear of the joint.  This article will briefly discuss some of the more common causes of knee pain that may require orthopedic evaluation. Ligamentous … Read More

3 Simple Solutions to Help Combat Chronic Pain

Chronic pain – the type of pain that can stay with us for months, years, and even decades – effects most Americans at some point in their lives. And chronic pain does not discriminate. Athletes, desk jockeys, and even stay-at-home parents can all experience this type of pain. For example, basketball players who are constantly lifting their arms overhead may … Read More

Don’t Shrug Off Shoulder Pain! – Alive & Well Presentation 10/12/16

Rotator cuff injuries don’t just happen to athletes. They’re a common – and potentially life-changing – problem for adults of all ages. A rotator cuff injury may start as a dull ache in your shoulder, but it can quickly progress into a painful, hard-to-heal problem affecting your sleep and limiting your daily activity. Join Spiro N. Papas, MD, UPMC Orthopaedic … Read More