What is a “Cortisone Injection”?

What is a “cortisone injection”? A cortisone injection, or corticosteroid injection, is a catch all term for an injection of a body part, using a derivative of a steroid/glucocorticoid and often a local anesthetic. Injecting a glucocorticoid and local anesthetic into an area of pain can be very effective in relieving the pain. In some instances it can also prevent … Read More

Holiday Season Wrist Pain

Wrist pain comes in many forms: from acute injuries like tendonitis or a broken wrist (carpal) bone, to chronic injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. However, the most common type of wrist pain over the holiday season typically comes from repetitive use and placing unnecessary stress on your wrists. Here are a couple examples of what wrist pain suffers … Read More

The Greatest Modifiable Risk Factor for Osteoarthritis

Have you ever looked at a body mass index (BMI) chart, often found in physician offices, and thought, “That seems unrealistic or even inaccurate?”  At quick glance the charts often seem pretty rigid and show ideal weights in ranges that seem difficult to attain if one is overweight. In this article, the BMI chart will be broken down and explained … Read More