What is a One-Midnight Stay?

If you are considering undergoing a total hip or knee replacement you may have heard your doctor talk to you about something called a one midnight stay.  As we make more and more advancements with pre-surgical prep, surgical technique, and post-surgical care, we are reducing our hospital stays from a few days to just one night in the hospital.  This idea may sound scary to some who would rather stay in the hospital afterward so here are some things you should know before your surgery:

The right patient

One midnight stays work best when they are paired with the right patient.  This is usually someone who is relatively young and/or healthy without many medical problems that would not need much care in the hospital.  The right patient would probably have someone at home who could stay with them for a week or so after their operation to help them with things around the house such as cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping.

The pre-surgical care

We have started doing a prep called ERAS which stands for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery which involves several ways to improve your health before surgery.  This includes lifestyle changes such as limiting or stopping smoking.  We also ask that you try to improve your exercise tolerance by walking 30 minutes a day.  To build up nutrients your body will need to heal you after surgery, it is important to eat healthy foods.  In order to keep you hydrated so you feel better after surgery, we have you drink Gatorade up until a few hours before surgery.

The surgical technique

Most of these operations are done using a technique called MIS which stands for Minimally Invasive Surgery.  This means a smaller incision on the outside but the same great results on the inside.  We are also using a medicine during surgery called TXA which helps stop bleeding in the joints we replace so that the need for blood transfusions after surgery has decreased dramatically.

The post-surgical care

You will get multiple types of medications to help with pain control after surgery such as anti-inflammatories, Tylenol, and stronger medications through an IV or by mouth.  Since you will only be in the hospital one night, we try to optimize the time you have there and will have you in two therapy sessions with our physical therapists on the same day as your surgery.  They will work with you about two hours after you wake up and then again later in the afternoon and will teach you how to walk with your new and improved joint.  Then, on the first day after surgery, you typically get one therapy session in the morning and one in the afternoon.  If you meet the therapy requirements which are walking 100 feet and getting up and down 8 stairs safely, you can go home after dinner the first day after surgery.

Less time in the hospital usually means less chance of infection, better night’s sleep, and happier patients but if you need more time in the hospital don’t worry!  Even if you are signed up as a one midnight, you can always stay longer if you need to! If you have any more questions about hip or knee replacements or one midnight stays, come visit us at Three Rivers Orthopedics and have one of our physicians evaluate you.

Julia Grunebach, PA-C

Three Rivers Orthopedics