What is a Same Day Total Joint?

Same Day Discharge for Total Joint Surgery

Some patients may have heard of same day surgeries being performed for total joint replacements and TRO is no different. This is slightly different from our one midnight stay surgeries that we have been doing which you can read more about on our website. We are still using the advancements that we have made with our one midnight stay surgeries and are now able to offer same day or outpatient procedures to certain patients wishing to undergo joint replacement. The advantages of this include less time in the hospital, which usually decreases risk for infection, a better night’s sleep in a bed that is familiar and comfortable, and a happier patient. Outpatient total joint procedures work for a few reasons and these are all good to keep in mind when discussing what your post operative course will look like.

The Right Patient

Similarly to one midnight stays, choosing the right patient starts the process. Usually this means younger patients without a lot of medical problems. Older patients who have medical problems tend to need a night or two in the hospital after surgery to make sure they are healthy enough to go home. Younger or healthier patients that are stronger do better at home and are able to complete the therapy required after a surgery without as much help from hospital therapists. Another factor to consider is the support group that patients have at home. Outpatient procedures tend to work best when patients have a lot of family or friends who are able to drive to and from the hospital and help after surgery. This includes things such as cleaning, getting groceries, cooking meals, helping with laundry, and other household tasks that are difficult after surgery. Most of all, the right patient is someone who is mentally prepared to go through a joint replacement and is confident in themselves that they will be safe going straight home.

Pre-Surgical Work

If you are considering outpatient total joints should think about several things prior to surgery to optimize yourself for going home. A huge factor in pre-surgical preparation is the amount of therapy and exercising patients do. The stronger you are going into surgery, the better you do afterwards. Doing therapy and getting stronger before surgery only makes the therapy done after surgery that much easier. Choosing the right foods to eat helps as well. The best foods are those high in protein which will be needed to repair your body after surgery. Stopping smoking and limiting alcohol use for at least a month prior to surgery will also make recovery much easier. If patients are able to complete therapy and eat the right things before surgery, this makes them better candidates for outpatient or same day surgery.

Post-Surgical Work

The patient who chooses an outpatient or same day procedure should be mentally and physically prepared to work very hard after surgery. The day of surgery, you will have two therapy sessions which will go over several things to get you ready to go home. Before leaving the hospital, patients will work with our team of therapists to learn the safe way to walk, use stairs, and get in and out of a bed, chair, and car. If you can meet all of these therapy goals the same day of surgery, then you will be physically prepared to go home the same day.

However, even if you begin this journey wanting to go home the same day and when the time comes and you feel that you are not ready, do not worry! Patients who feel unsafe going home, do not meet their therapy goals, or want to stay the night are able to change from an outpatient to an inpatient. What matters in the end is what works best for each individual patient to give them the best outcome.

If you have more questions about one midnight stays versus outpatient/same day total joints, please make an appointment to be evaluated by one of our physicians today.


Julia Grunebach, PA-C