CASE STUDY: 52 Year-Old Lawyer Pain-Free After Suffering with Back Pain for 17 Years!

After suffering with back pain for 17 years, 52 Year-Old Lawyer, David Trautman, decided to undergo surgery in May of this year with Dr. Silvaggio of Three Rivers Orthopedic Associates UPMC to see if he could find some relief.

In a recent article from North Hills Monthly, Mr Trautman said, “In 1996, I ruptured a disc and had a micro-discectomy, which provided some relief, and a year later, I had a second micro-discectomy, which also kind of helped, but the pain never really went away.

My back continued to slowly deteriorate, and I underwent conservative treatments for a number of years, including physical therapy and steroidal injections, but any relief was only temporary. At Christmas last year, I was playing Santa's helper, and I wrenched my back and ended up in the hospital on IV painkillers.

My back continued to deteriorate over the next five months, but I had too much going on to have back surgery. I retired from the Army on May 2, 2015 and scheduled surgery with Dr. Silvaggio on May 18.”

The article continues, “Since his surgery in May, Mr. Trautman has made an impressive recovery. ‘My left leg is at 100 percent, and I have no pain in my hips or back,’ he said. ‘My right leg is at about 90 percent; there's still a little numbness. And I have my mobility back—now I can play with my kids!’

‘The care I received at UPMC St. Margaret—not just by the surgical staff, but by the nurses, anesthesiologist, scheduling staff and reception staff—it was all just top-shelf,” he adds.

‘I trust them so much that I recommend them to everyone; in fact, my daughter is going there for a knee procedure. I can't say enough about what they've done for me and my family.'”

For more information, you can read the entire article here.

Last, if you’re suffering from back, leg, or hip pain like David Trautman was, and you want relief, then please call our office today at 412-782-3990 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Silvaggio or one of our other premier surgeons.