Top 3 Summer Olympic Injuries Go To:

Did you know that 1 in 10 Olympians will get hurt during the games? According to a study at the University of Oslo in Norway, about three quarters of the injuries occur during some phase of competition and one quarter occur during warm-ups or on-site training.

In addition, the study shows that Summer athletes tend to injury their legs, while winter athletes tend to injury their head.

So, which athletes get injured the most? According to the study, the Top 3 Summer Olympic injuries go to:

  1. Soccer
  2. Taekwondo
  3. Field Hockey

Basketball and Track & Field came in 8th and 9th place, respectively; and gymnastics ended up 18th on the list.

If you're a future Olympic hopeful (or just a weekend warrior) and find yourself battling injury, why not seek the best medical help you can?

Here at UPMC – St. Margaret's we're here to help you on your road to recovery and greatness!