What is a herniated disc? A herniated disc is when material from a vertebral disc ruptures into the spinal canal. Your spine is made of up a column of vertebrae separated by discs. Your nerves runs down behind the column of vertebral bodies and discs. You can think of the discs like a jelly donut. The outer shell (donut dough) … Read More
Three Rivers Orthopedics Is Now In Leechburg! (Spine Docs Starting Feb 8th!)
We have just opened a new location in the Leechburg area! It is located at 116 Main Street, Leechburg, PA 15656; and will be replacing our Spine Center Wexford location. Our Spine Doctors will be at the Leechburg location starting February 8th. We look forward to serving patients in Leechburg and surrounding areas!
Posture Exercise Program – A Follow-Up to the Discussion on the Importance of Optimal Posture
As a follow-up to our previous entry on the importance of good posture, we would like to introduce some basic exercises to help restore and maintain normal and optimal posture. Please note that exercise should be cleared with a physician or physical therapist before beginning any new exercise routine. These exercises should not be painful. If you have pain with … Read More
What is Osteoporosis?
What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones. It occurs when the bones lose their normal density, become more porous, and become more fragile or brittle. This disease increases the chances of a broken bone, especially a break without significant trauma (ie. ground level fall). What are the signs and symptoms of osteoporosis? Osteoporosis does not have any specific … Read More
It Took Millions of Years to Perfect the Upright Human Form but Only a Few Months Behind a Desk to Ruin it – A Discussion on the Importance of Posture
The idea of having good posture is no longer just for aesthetics. Rather, good posture is a constant pursuit of bio-mechanic perfection. Many degenerative and dysfunctional changes that our physical body goes through can be related back to non-optimal posture or poor musculoskeletal positioning over time. As Wolff’s law states, our bones will change shape to become stronger based on … Read More
What is a “Cortisone Injection”?
What is a “cortisone injection”? A cortisone injection, or corticosteroid injection, is a catch all term for an injection of a body part, using a derivative of a steroid/glucocorticoid and often a local anesthetic. Injecting a glucocorticoid and local anesthetic into an area of pain can be very effective in relieving the pain. In some instances it can also prevent … Read More
Holiday Season Wrist Pain
Wrist pain comes in many forms: from acute injuries like tendonitis or a broken wrist (carpal) bone, to chronic injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. However, the most common type of wrist pain over the holiday season typically comes from repetitive use and placing unnecessary stress on your wrists. Here are a couple examples of what wrist pain suffers … Read More
The Greatest Modifiable Risk Factor for Osteoarthritis
Have you ever looked at a body mass index (BMI) chart, often found in physician offices, and thought, “That seems unrealistic or even inaccurate?” At quick glance the charts often seem pretty rigid and show ideal weights in ranges that seem difficult to attain if one is overweight. In this article, the BMI chart will be broken down and explained … Read More
6 Halloween Safety Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe
According to recent studies, child pedestrian accidents are the #1 cause of Halloween-related injuries. For this reason, we believe you should know some basic Halloween safety tips to keep your kids safe, healthy, and happy this Halloween season (and for many more to come). Halloween Safety Tip #1 – Make-Up Over Masks: Masks are fun, but they have a tendency … Read More
5 Ways to Prevent Shoulder, Back, & Ankle Injuries While Raking Leaves This Fall
The changes in color and scenery make fall a beautiful time of year here in Western PA. But with that change comes the falling of leaves and the potential for shoulder, back, and ankle injuries to occur. So, to help you enjoy this unavoidable autumn activity, here are five ways to take care of yourself and prevent injuries before they … Read More