Top 3 Summer Olympic Injuries Go To:

Did you know that 1 in 10 Olympians will get hurt during the games? According to a study at the University of Oslo in Norway, about three quarters of the injuries occur during some phase of competition and one quarter occur during warm-ups or on-site training. In addition, the study shows that Summer athletes tend to injury their legs, while … Read More

4 Reasons Aging Athletes Are More Prone to Injury

No one enjoys the aging process – especially athletes! After all, athletes, no matter what age they are, enjoy getting out on the field, court, rink, etc. and playing the game they love so much. What's even worse for athletes, however, is the fact that our bodies begin to break down as we age, and this “break down” increases the … Read More

Common Hockey Injuries & What To Do If You Get Hurt

Hockey is considered a “collision” sport, and for good reason. Injuries occur from not only slamming into other players at high speeds, they can also occur from getting smacked with other players’ sticks, being thrown and smashed into the boards, and having a solid, hefty object (the puck) being catapulted into your body. If that weren’t enough, non-contact injuries can … Read More

Common Basketball Injuries & What To Do If You Get Hurt

Basketball is an extremely fun, fast-paced sport to play, and it’s one of the few sports you can enjoy in your youth AND as you get older. However, the explosive movements and constant turning and cutting can make basketball a sport riddled with potential foot and ankle injuries. The most common basketball injuries are to the foot, ankle, and knee. … Read More

Common Skiing Injuries & What To Do If You Get Hurt

Skiing is a fun, exciting sport that the entire family can enjoy together. However, like any activity, injures can and do occur. That's why it's important to know what to do when you find yourself knee-deep in snow and tending to an injury (yours or a loved ones). The most common of all skiing injuries is when the lower leg … Read More

3 Steps to Follow If You Get Injured While Playing or Practicing a Sport

You can wear all the right equipment to keep you safe. You can follow an innocent training program and have proper form. You can do everything right. But sometimes “stuff happens.” Things go wrong. And you can still get injured. So, if that does happen and you do get hurt, it's important that you respond quickly and appropriately so you … Read More

Ski Injury Prevention

There are roughly 144,000 ski-related injuries per year that present to hospital Emergency Rooms and physician's offices.  There are also 148,000 snowboarding injuries that present in any given year.  Most of these injuries have to do with upper extremity injuries trying to prevent a fall or cushion a fall with the arms creating sprains, fractures and dislocations of the upper … Read More